LCI(L)-85 Tied Alongside USS Samuel Chase (APA-26)
"L. C. I. (L) #85 tied up alongside the USS Samuel Chase (APA-26) as we unloaded wounded and dead. This picture was taken by Ed Matousek on L.C.I. (L) #84 which had aboard a large water-pump and #84 had been dispatched to come to the aid of #85, when they saw that it was hopeless to try to pump out #85, they went on the way on other assignments. L. C. I. (L) #85 spent over two hours unloading wounded & dead onto the Chase."; 6 June 1944; no photo number; photo by Ed Matousek. Photo provided courtesy of Mr. Elmer Carmichael, a Coast Guardsman who served aboard the LCI(L)-85 on D-Day.

Photo by: U.S. Coast Guard |  VIRIN: 190424-G-G0000-7013.JPG