U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office
2703 Martin Luther King, Jr., Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20593-7031

U.S. Coast Guard Museum
Coast Guard Academy - Waesche Hall
15 Mohegan Ave
New London, CT 06320-8100

Contacting us:  U.S.C.G. Historian's Office

CG Military Muster Rolls 1941-49

(Record Group 26, Entry 108A)

Located at the National Archives 

The following list is a folder-level finding aid to USCG Military Muster Rolls 1941-49 (RG 26, Entry 108A, 1230 boxes) located at the National Archives documenting Coast Guard personnel participation from World War II to the early Cold War era. We present this list as a service to provide opportunity for review prior to research. The list is arranged roughly in chronological order, thereunder by Vessel, Station, CG Districts, Detachments, Training Stations, etc. Every effort was made by NARA staff to accurately transcribe information from each folder mantle, and simultaneously maintain consistent use of terms. As is the case with many large series of records, anomalies are unavoidable. The list includes a Table of Contents which further illustrates arrangement of records with box numbers. One may also search for particular terms using "FIND" feature on your browser. Should you use this list for an in-depth project, or discover errors in its content, please share your experience at history@uscg.mil.




USCG Muster Rolls 1941-1949

(Record Group 26, Entry 108) – Located at National Archives


Named Vessels  1941 – 1949 (by year)               Boxes 1-158            

Numbered vessels                                             1941 – 1946 by year (misc. at end)              

Lightships                                                            Boxes 182 – 194                  

US Navy & MISC          

~US Navy                                                             Boxes 194 – 198, 200, 202-204, and 206-233

~Miscellaneous                                                   Boxes 198, 201-202, 205-206

US Army                                                              Boxes 333 - 350

Stations                                                                Boxes 351 – 416                  

Districts                                                               Boxes 417 – 1112              

~1941                                                                          Boxes 417 - 432 

~1942                                                                          Boxes 433 - 501                     

~1943                                                                          Boxes 501 – 665

~1944                                                                          Boxes 665 - 826

~1945                                                                          Boxes 826 – 960

~1946 – 1949                                                                  Boxes 961 - 1112

Academy                                                                    Boxes 1112 – 1125    

Other Stations                                                           Boxes 1125 – 1165             

Training Stations                                                      Boxes 1165 –1271             

Depot                                                                         Box 1272                         

Yard                                                                           Boxes 1273 - 1280                

END of Table of Contents 




Named Vessels  1941


Vessel/Station                                                                                                 Date

Box 1                                                                                                                                          

Acacia                                                                                                             1941

Active                                                                                                             1941                                           

Agassiz                                                                                                            1941               

Alder                                                                                                               1941               

Alert                                                                                                                1941               

Algonquin                                                                                                       1941

Althea                                                                                                             1941

Amaranth                                                                                                        1941

American Sailor                                                                                              1941

American Seaman                                                                                           1941

Anemone                                                                                                         1941

Antietam                                                                                                         1941

Arbutus                                                                                                           1941

Argo                                                                                                                1941

Ariadne                                                                                                           1941

Arundel                                                                                                           1941

Atalanta                                                                                                           1941

Aurora                                                                                                             1941

Azalea                                                                                                             1941

Beech                                                                                                              1941

Bibb                                                                                                                1941


Box 2

Bluebonnet                                                                                                      1941

Bonham                                                                                                           1941

Boutwell                                                                                                         1941

Cahoone                                                                                                          1941

Calumet                                                                                                           1941

Calypso                                                                                                           1941

Camellia                                                                                                          1941

Campbell                                                                                                         1941

Carrabasset                                                                                                      1941

Cartigan                                                                                                          1941

Cayuga                                                                                                            1941

Cedar                                                                                                              1941

Champlain                                                                                                       1941

Chelan                                                                                                             1941

Colfax                                                                                                             1941

Columbine                                                                                                       1941

Comanche                                                                                                       1941

Cottonwood                                                                                                    1941

Crawford                                                                                                        1941

Crocus                                                                                                             1941


Box 3

Cuyahoga                                                                                                        1941

Cyane                                                                                                              1941

Dahlia                                                                                                              1941

Daphne                                                                                                            1941

Davey                                                                                                              1941

Diligence                                                                                                         1941

Dione                                                                                                              1941

Dix                                                                                                                  1941

Dogwood                                                                                                        1941

Duane                                                                                                              1941

Elm                                                                                                                  1941

Empire State                                                                                                   1941

Escanaba                                                                                                         1941

Ewing                                                                                                              1941

Faunce                                                                                                             1941

Fir                                                                                                                    1941

Forward                                                                                                          1941

Frederick Lee                                                                                                  1941

Galatea                                                                                                            1941

General Greene                                                                                               1941

Golden gate                                                                                                     1941

Goldenrod                                                                                                       1941


Box 4

Greenbrier                                                                                                       1941

Guthrie                                                                                                            1941

Haida                                                                                                              1941

Harriet Lane                                                                                                    1941

Hawthorne                                                                                                      1941

Hemlock                                                                                                          1941

Hermes                                                                                                            1941

Hibiscus                                                                                                          1941

Hickory                                                                                                           1941

Hollyhock                                                                                                       1941

Hudson                                                                                                           1941

Hyacinth                                                                                                         1941

Icarus                                                                                                              1941

Ilex                                                                                                                  1941

Ingham                                                                                                            1941

Itasca                                                                                                               1941

Jackson                                                                                                            1941

Kickapoo                                                                                                         1941

Legare                                                                                                             1941

Lilac                                                                                                                1941

Linden                                                                                                             1941


Box 5

Lotus                                                                                                               1941

Lupine                                                                                                             1941

Mahoning                                                                                                        1941

Manhattan                                                                                                       1941

Manzanita                                                                                                       1941

Maple                                                                                                              1941

Marigold                                                                                                         1941

Marion                                                                                                             1941

Mayflower                                                                                                      1941

McLane                                                                                                                       1941

Mendota                                                                                                          1941

Mistletoe                                                                                                         1941

Modoc                                                                                                             1941

Mohawk                                                                                                          1941

Mojave                                                                                                            1941

Monomoy                                                                                                        1941

Morris                                                                                                              1941

Nansemond                                                                                                     1941

Narcissus                                                                                                         1941

Naugatuck                                                                                                       1941

Navesink                                                                                                         1941

Nemaha                                                                                                           1941



Nemesis                                                                                                           1941

Nike                                                                                                                1941

Northland                                                                                                        1941

North Star                                                                                                       1941

Nourmahal                                                                                                      1941

Oak                                                                                                                 1941

Oleander                                                                                                         1941

Onondaga                                                                                                       1941

Orchid                                                                                                             1941

Ossipee                                                                                                            1941

Pamlico                                                                                                           1941

Pandora                                                                                                           1941

Pequot                                                                                                             1941

Perseus                                                                                                            1941

Pine                                                                                                                 1941

Poinciana                                                                                                         1941

Pontchartrain                                                                                                   1941


Box 7

Poplar                                                                                                              1941

Pulaski                                                                                                             1941

Raritan                                                                                                            1941

Redwing                                                                                                         1941

Reliance                                                                                                          1941

Rhododendron                                                                                                1941

Rose                                                                                                                1941

Rush                                                                                                                1941

Saranac                                                                                                            1941

Sebago                                                                                                            1941

Sequoia                                                                                                           1941

Shawnee                                                                                                          1941

Shoshone                                                                                                         1941

Shrub                                                                                                               1941

Speedwell                                                                                                       1941

Spencer                                                                                                           1941

Spruce                                                                                                             1941

Sunflower                                                                                                       1941

Sycamore                                                                                                        1941


Box 8

Tahoe                                                                                                              1941

Tahoma                                                                                                           1941

Tallapoosa                                                                                                       1941

Tamarack                                                                                                         1941

Tampa                                                                                                             1941

Taney                                                                                                              1941

Thetis                                                                                                              1941

Tiger                                                                                                                1941

Travis                                                                                                              1941

Triton                                                                                                              1941

Tuckahoe                                                                                                         1941

Tulip                                                                                                                1941

Unalga                                                                                                             1941

Vigilant                                                                                                           1941

Violet                                                                                                              1941

Wakerobin                                                                                                       1941

Walnut                                                                                                            1941


Box 9

Willow                                                                                                                        1941

Winnisimmet                                                                                                   1941

Wistaria                                                                                                           1941

Woodbury                                                                                                       1941

Zinnia                                                                                                              1941




Named Vessels 1942


Acacia                                                                                                             1942

Active                                                                                                             1942

Agassiz                                                                                                            1942

Aivik                                                                                                               1942

Aklak                                                                                                              1942

Alatok                                                                                                             1942

Alert                                                                                                                1942

Algonquin                                                                                                       1942

Almond                                                                                                           1942

Althea                                                                                                             1942

Amaranth                                                                                                        1942

Amarok                                                                                                           1942

Anemone                                                                                                         1942

Arbutus                                                                                                           1942

Argo                                                                                                                1942

Ariadne                                                                                                           1942

Arluk                                                                                                               1942

Arrowwood                                                                                                    1942

Arundel                                                                                                           1942


Box 10

Arvek                                                                                                              1942

Aspen                                                                                                              1942

Atak                                                                                                                1942

Atalanta                                                                                                          1942

Aurora                                                                                                             1942

Azalea                                                                                                             1942

Balsam                                                                                                                        1942

Bedloe (Formerly Antietam Changed Name 6/1/43)                                     1942

Beech                                                                                                              1942

Belmont                                                                                                          1942

Bibb                                                                                                                1942

Blanchard                                                                                                        1942

Blaze                                                                                                               1942

Bluebonnet                                                                                                      1942

Bodega                                                                                                            1942

Bonham                                                                                                           1942

Boston College                                                                                                1942

Boutwell                                                                                                         1942

Bronco                                                                                                            1942

Cactus                                                                                                             1942                                                                                                                                                   

Box 11

Cahoone                                                                                                          1942

Calumet                                                                                                           1942

Calypso                                                                                                           1942

Camellia                                                                                                          1942

Campbell                                                                                                         1942

Carrabasset                                                                                                      1942

Cartigan                                                                                                          1942

Cedar                                                                                                              1942

Chaparral                                                                                                         1942

Cherry                                                                                                             1942

Clover                                                                                                             1942

Colfax                                                                                                             1942

Columbine                                                                                                       1942

Comanche                                                                                                       1942

Cosmos                                                                                                           1942

Cottonwood                                                                                                    1942

Cowslip                                                                                                           1942


Box 12

Crawford                                                                                                        1942

Crocus                                                                                                             1942

Cuyahoga                                                                                                        1942

Cyane                                                                                                              1942

Cypress                                                                                                           1942

Dahlia                                                                                                              1942

Daphne                                                                                                            1942

Davey                                                                                                              1942

Diligence                                                                                                         1942

Dione                                                                                                              1942

Dix                                                                                                                  1942

Dogwood                                                                                                        1942

Dow Em                                                                                                          1942

Duane                                                                                                              1942

Edwards Em                                                                                                   1942


Box 13

Elm                                                                                                                  1942

Escanaba                                                                                                         1942

Euphane Em                                                                                                    1942

Ewing                                                                                                              1942

Faunce                                                                                                             1942

Fern                                                                                                                 1942

Fir                                                                                                                    1942

Frederick Lee                                                                                                  1942

Galatea                                                                                                            1942

General Greene                                                                                               1942

Gentian                                                                                                           1942

Golden Gate                                                                                                    1942

Goldenrod                                                                                                       1942

Greenbrier                                                                                                       1942

Haida                                                                                                              1942

Harriet Lane                                                                                                    1942

Hawthorn                                                                                                        1942


Box 14

Hemlock                                                                                                          1942

Hermes                                                                                                            1942

Hibiscus                                                                                                          1942

Hickory                                                                                                           1942

Hollyhock                                                                                                       1942

Hudson                                                                                                           1942

Humphreys Em                                                                                               1942

Hyacinth                                                                                                         1942

Hydrangea   (Formerly MAYFLOWER)                                                       1942

Icarus                                                                                                              1942

Ingham                                                                                                            1942

Ilex                                                                                                                  1942

Jackson                                                                                                            1942

Jasmine                                                                                                            1942

Joe Em                                                                                                            1942


Box 15           

Juniper                                                                                                             1942

Kickapoo                                                                                                         1942

Kimball                                                                                                           1942

Kukui                                                                                                              1942

Larkspur                                                                                                          1942

Laurel                                                                                                              1942

Legare                                                                                                             1942

Lilac                                                                                                                1942

Linden                                                                                                             1942

Locust                                                                                                             1942

Lotus                                                                                                               1942

Lupine                                                                                                             1942

Madalan                                                                                                          1942

Magnolia                                                                                                         1942

Mahoning                                                                                                        1942

Manasquan                                                                                                      1942

Mangrove                                                                                                        1942

Manhattan                                                                                                       1942

Manzanita                                                                                                       1942


Box 16

Maple                                                                                                              1942

Margaret                                                                                                          1942

Marigold                                                                                                         1942

Marion                                                                                                             1942

Marita                                                                                                              1942

Mc Keever  Em                                                                                               1942

McLane                                                                                                                       1942

Menemsha                                                                                                       1942

Messick   Em                                                                                                  1942

Micawber                                                                                                        1942

Mistletoe                                                                                                         1942

Modoc                                                                                                             1942

Mohawk                                                                                                          1942

Mojave                                                                                                            1942

Monomoy                                                                                                        1942


Box 17

Morris                                                                                                              1942

Muskeget                                                                                                        1942

Nanok                                                                                                             1942

Narcissus                                                                                                         1942

Natsek                                                                                                             1942

Naugatuck                                                                                                       1942

Navesink                                                                                                         1942

Nemaha                                                                                                           1942

Nemesis                                                                                                           1942

Nike                                                                                                                1942

Nogak                                                                                                             1942

Northland                                                                                                        1942

North Star                                                                                                       1942

Northumberland   Em                                                                                     1942

Nourmahal                                                                                                      1942


Box 18                                                                                                                                   

Oak                                                                                                                 1942

Oleander                                                                                                         1942

Onondaga                                                                                                       1942

Ossipee                                                                                                            1942

Ottern                                                                                                              1942

Palmetto                                                                                                          1942

Pamlico                                                                                                           1942

Pandora                                                                                                           1942

Pequot                                                                                                             1942

Perseus                                                                                                            1942

Phlox                                                                                                               1942

Pine –Tender                                                                                                   1942

Poplar                                                                                                              1942

Prairie                                                                                                              1942

President                                                                                                         1942

Pulaski                                                                                                             1942

Raritan                                                                                                            1942




Box 19

Rhododendron                                                                                                1942

Rose                                                                                                                1942

Rush                                                                                                                1942

Scarus                                                                                                              1942

Sea Cloud                                                                                                       1942

Sequoia                                                                                                           1942

Shawnee                                                                                                          1942

Shrub                                                                                                               1942

Speedwell                                                                                                       1942

Spencer                                                                                                           1942

Spruce                                                                                                             1942

Storis                                                                                                               1942

Sumac                                                                                                             1942

Sunflower                                                                                                       1942

Sycamore                                                                                                        1942


Box 20

Tahoma                                                                                                           1942

Tallapoosa                                                                                                       1942

Taney                                                                                                              1942

Tamarack                                                                                                         1942

Tampa                                                                                                             1942

Thalassa                                                                                                           1942

Thetis                                                                                                              1942

Tiger                                                                                                                1942

Travis                                                                                                              1942

Triton                                                                                                              1942

Tuckahoe                                                                                                         1942


Box 21

Tulip                                                                                                                1942

Unalga                                                                                                             1942

Urchin                                                                                                             1942

Vigilant                                                                                                           1942

Violet                                                                                                              1942

Wakerobin                                                                                                       1942

Walnut                                                                                                            1942

Wilbert Edwards Em                                                                                      1942

Wicomico                                                                                                        1942

Willow                                                                                                                        1942

Wilcox Em                                                                                                      1942

Winnisimmet                                                                                                   1942

Wistaria                                                                                                           1942

Woodbine                                                                                                       1942

Woodbury                                                                                                       1942

Yeaton                                                                                                            1942

Zinnia                                                                                                              1942

Named Vessels  1943


Vessel/Station                                                                                                 Date

Box 22                                                                                                                                                        Active                                                                                                                        1943

Agassiz                                                                                                            1943

Aivik                                                                                                               1943               

Alatok                                                                                                             1943                                                                                            

Alert                                                                                                                1943                                                                                              

Algonquin                                                                                                       1943               

Almond                                                                                                           1943                                                                                          

Althea                                                                                                            1943                                                                                             

Amaranth                                                                                                        1943                                                                                        

Amarok                                                                                                           1943                                                                                          

Anemone                                                                                                         1943


Box 23

Arbutus                                                                                                           1943

Argo                                                                                                                1943

Ariadne                                                                                                           1943

Arluk                                                                                                               1943

Arrowwood                                                                                                    1943

Arundel                                                                                                           1943

Arvek                                                                                                              1943

Aspen                                                                                                              1943

Aster                                                                                                               1943

Atak                                                                                                                1943

Atalanta                                                                                                          1943

Aurora                                                                                                             1943

Azalea                                                                                                             1943

Balsam                                                                                                                        1943


Box 24

Bedloe (Antietam)                                                                                          1943

Beech                                                                                                              1943

Belmont                                                                                                          1943

Belleville                                                                                                         1943

Beverly                                                                                                            1943

Bibb                                                                                                                1943

Blackrock                                                                                                        1943

Blanchard                                                                                                        1943

Blanchard                                                                                                        1943

Blanco                                                                                                             1943

Blaze                                                                                                               1943

Bluebonnet                                                                                                      1943

Bodega                                                                                                            1943

Bodkin (Burke)                                                                                               1943

Bonham                                                                                                           1943

Boone (SC-335)                                                                                              1943

Boutwell                                                                                                         1943

Bowstring                                                                                                       1943

Brier                                                                                                                1943


Box 25

Bronco                                                                                                            1943

Brusstar, E.M.                                                                                                 1943

Buttonwood                                                                                                    1943

Cactus                                                                                                             1943

Cahoone                                                                                                          1943

Calumet                                                                                                           1943

Calypso                                                                                                           1943

Camellia                                                                                                          1943

Campbell                                                                                                         1943

Carrabasset                                                                                                      1943

Cartigan                                                                                                          1943

Cedar                                                                                                              1943



Chaparral                                                                                                         1943

Cherry                                                                                                             1943

Citrus                                                                                                              1943

Comanche                                                                                                       1943

Conant E.M.                                                                                                    1943

Conifer                                                                                                            1943

Cosmos                                                                                                           1943

Cottonwood                                                                                                    1943

Clover                                                                                                             1943

Cobb                                                                                                               1943

Colfax                                                                                                             1943

Columbine                                                                                                       1943


Box 27

Covington, E.M.                                                                                             1943

Cowslip                                                                                                           1943

Crawford                                                                                                        1943

Crocus                                                                                                             1943

Cuyahoga                                                                                                        1943

Cyane                                                                                                              1943

Cypress                                                                                                           1943

Dahlia                                                                                                              1943

Daphne                                                                                                            1943

Davey                                                                                                              1943

David MacNichol                                                                                            1943

Diligence                                                                                                         1943

Dione                                                                                                              1943

Dix                                                                                                                  1943


Box 28

Dogwood                                                                                                        1943

Dow E.M.                                                                                                       1943

Duane                                                                                                              1943

Edwards E.M.                                                                                                 1943

Elm                                                                                                                  1943

Escanaba                                                                                                         1943

Euphane E.M.                                                                                                 1943

Evergreen                                                                                                        1943

Ewing                                                                                                              1943

Faunce                                                                                                             1943

Fern                                                                                                                 1943

Fir                                                                                                                    1943

Forsythia                                                                                                         1943

Forward                                                                                                          1943

Frederick Lee                                                                                                  1943



Galatea                                                                                                            1943

General Greene                                                                                               1943

Gentian                                                                                                           1943

Globe                                                                                                              1943

Globe Eight                                                                                                     1943

Golden Gate                                                                                                    1943

Goldenrod                                                                                                       1943

Greenbrier                                                                                                       1943

Gresham                                                                                                          1943

Haida                                                                                                              1943

Harriet Lane                                                                                                    1943

Hawthorn                                                                                                        1943


Box 30

Hemlock                                                                                                          1943

Hermes                                                                                                            1943

Hibiscus                                                                                                          1943

Hickory                                                                                                           1943

Hollyhock                                                                                                       1943

Hudson                                                                                                           1943

Humphreys E.M                                                                                             1943

Hyacinth                                                                                                         1943

Hydrangea (Formerly Mayflower)                                                                 1943

Icarus                                                                                                              1943

Ilex                                                                                                                  1943


Box 31

Ingham                                                                                                            1943

Ironwood                                                                                                        1943

Jackson                                                                                                            1943

Jasmine                                                                                                            1943

Joe E.M.                                                                                                          1943

Jonquil                                                                                                             1943

Juniper                                                                                                             1943

Kaw (BD)                                                                                                       1943

Kickapoo                                                                                                         1943

Kimball                                                                                                           1943

Kukui                                                                                                              1943

Lantana                                                                                                           1943

Larkspur                                                                                                          1943

Laurel                                                                                                              1943

Legare                                                                                                             1943

Lilac                                                                                                                1943


Box 32

Linden                                                                                                             1943

Lotus                                                                                                               1943

Lupine                                                                                                             1943

Madalan                                                                                                          1943

Madrona                                                                                                          1943

Magnolia                                                                                                         1943

Mahoning                                                                                                        1943

Manasquan                                                                                                      1943

Mahattan                                                                                                         1943

Mangrove                                                                                                        1943

Manhasset                                                                                                       1943

Manitou                                                                                                           1943

Manzanita                                                                                                       1943


Box 33

Maple                                                                                                              1943

Margaret E.M.                                                                                    1943

Marigold                                                                                                         1943

Marion                                                                                                             1943

Marita                                                                                                              1943

Mayflower                                                                                                      1943

McKeever E.M.                                                                                              1943

McLane                                                                                                           1943

Menemsha                                                                                                       1943

Mesquite                                                                                                         1943

Messick E.M.                                                                                                  1943

Micawber                                                                                                        1943

Mistletoe                                                                                                         1943


Box 34

Modoc                                                                                                             1943

Mohawk                                                                                                          1943

Mojave                                                                                                            1943

Monomoy                                                                                                        1943

Morris                                                                                                              1943


Box 35

Myrtle                                                                                                             1943

Nanok                                                                                                             1943

Narcissus                                                                                                         1943

Naugatuck                                                                                                       1943

Navesink                                                                                                         1943

Nellwood                                                                                                        1943

Nellwood                                                                                                        1944

Nemaha                                                                                                           1943

Nemesis                                                                                                           1943

Nike                                                                                                                1943

Nogak                                                                                                             1943

North Star                                                                                                       1943


Box 36

Northumberland                                                                                              1943

Nourmahal (PG-72)                                                                                        1943

Oak                                                                                                                 1943

Oleander                                                                                                         1943

Onondaga                                                                                                       1943

Orchid                                                                                                             1943

Ossipee                                                                                                            1943

Ottern                                                                                                              1943

Palmetto                                                                                                          1943

Pamlico                                                                                                           1943

Pandora                                                                                                           1943


Box 37

Papaw                                                                                                             1943

Pelican E.M.                                                                                                   1943

Pequot                                                                                                             1943

Perseus                                                                                                            1943

Phlox                                                                                                               1943

Pine                                                                                                                 1943

Planetree Cutter                                                                                              1943

Pocahontas EM                                                                                               1943

Poinciana                                                                                                         1943

Pol                                                                                                                   1943

Poplar                                                                                                              1943

Pulaski                                                                                                             1943

Rambler                                                                                                           1943

Raritan                                                                                                            1943

Reed    E.M                                                                                                     1943

Reliance                                                                                                          1943

Rhododendron                                                                                                1943

Rose                                                                                                                1943

Rowe E.M.                                                                                                      1943

Rush                                                                                                                1943


Box 38

Seabird                                                                                                            1943

Sea Cloud                                                                                                       1943

Sequoia                                                                                                           1943

Shawnee                                                                                                          1943

Shrub                                                                                                               1943

Sorrel Cutter                                                                                                   1943

Speedwell                                                                                                       1943

Spencer                                                                                                           1943

Spruce                                                                                                             1943


Box 39

Storis                                                                                                               1943

Sunflower                                                                                                       1943

Sweetgum                                                                                                       1943

Sycamore                                                                                                        1943

Tahoma                                                                                                           1943

Tallapoosa                                                                                                       1943

Tamarack                                                                                                         1943

Tampa                                                                                                             1943

Taney                                                                                                              1943


Box 40

Thalassa                                                                                                           1943

Thetis                                                                                                              1943

Thorfinn                                                                                                          1943

Thorgaut                                                                                                          1943

Thoris                                                                                                              1943

Thorsjell                                                                                                          1943

Tiger                                                                                                                1943

Travis                                                                                                              1943

Triton                                                                                                              1943

Tuckahoe                                                                                                         1943

Tulip                                                                                                                1943

Tupelo                                                                                                             1943

Unalga                                                                                                             1943

Vernon McNeal E.M.                                                                                     1943

Vigilant                                                                                                           1943

Violet                                                                                                              1943


Box 41

Wakerobin                                                                                                       1943

Walnut                                                                                                            1943

Warren                                                                                                                        1943

Wicomico  (Catoctin)                                                                                     1943

Wilcox  E.M.                                                                                                  1943

Willow                                                                                                                        1943

Winnisimmet                                                                                                   1943

Wistaria                                                                                                           1943

Woodbine                                                                                                       1943

Woodbury                                                                                                       1943

Yeaton                                                                                                            1943

Zinnia                                                                                                              1943                           

Named Vessels  1944


Vessel/Station                                                                                                 Date

Box 41

Acacia                                                                                                             1944

Active                                                                                                             1944

Agassiz                                                                                                            1944

Aivik                                                                                                               1944


Box 42

Aklak                                                                                                              1944

Alatok                                                                                                             1944

Alert                                                                                                                1944

Algonquin                                                                                                       1944

Almond                                                                                                           1944

Althea                                                                                                             1944

Amaranth                                                                                                        1944

Amarok                                                                                                           1944

Anemone                                                                                                         1944

Apalachee                                                                                                       1944

Arbutus                                                                                                           1944

Argo                                                                                                                1944

Ariadne                                                                                                           1944

Arluk                                                                                                               1944

Arrowwood                                                                                                    1944

Arundel                                                                                                           1944



Box 43

Arvek                                                                                                              1944

Aspen                                                                                                              1944

Aster                                                                                                               1944

Asterion                                                                                                          1944

Atak                                                                                                                1944

Atlanta                                                                                                            1944

Aurora                                                                                                             1944

Azalea                                                                                                             1944

Balsam                                                                                                                        1944

Barberry                                                                                                          1944

Basswood                                                                                                       1944

USS Bayfield        July-December                                                                  1944



Box 44

Bedloe             (Formerly Antietam Changed Name 6/1/43)                          1944

Beech                                                                                                              1944

Bellefonte                                                                                                       1944

Belleville                                                                                                         1944

Belmont                                                                                                          1944

Bibb                                                                                                                1944

Big Horn                                                                                                         1944

Birch                                                                                                               1944

Bittersweet                                                                                                      1944

Blackhawk (USCG Cutter)                                                                             1944



Box 45

Blackrock                                                                                                        1944

Blackthorn                                                                                                      1944

Blanco                                                                                                             1944

Bluebonnet                                                                                                      1944

Bodega                                                                                                            1944

Bonhan                                                                                                            1944

Boone  SC-335                                                                                               1944

Boutwell                                                                                                         1944

Bowstring                                                                                                       1944

Bramble                                                                                                           1944

Brier                                                                                                                1944

Bronco                                                                                                            1944

Burnside                                                                                                          1944

Buttonwood                                                                                                    1944

Cactus                                                                                                             1944

Carrabasset                                                                                                      1944



Box 46

Cahoone                                                                                                          1944

Calumet                                                                                                           1944

Calypso                                                                                                           1944

Camellia                                                                                                          1944

Campbell                                                                                                         1944

Cartigan                                                                                                          1944

Cedar                                                                                                              1944

Chaparral                                                                                                         1944

Cherry                                                                                                             1944

Chinook                                                                                                          1944

Citrus                                                                                                              1944

Clematis                                                                                                          1944


Box 47

Clover                                                                                                             1944

Cobb                                                                                                               1944

Colfax                                                                                                             1944

Columbine                                                                                                       1944

Comanche                                                                                                       1944

Conifer                                                                                                            1944

Cosmos                                                                                                           1944


Box 48

Cottonwood                                                                                                    1944

Cowslip                                                                                                           1944

Crocus                                                                                                             1944

Cuyahoga                                                                                                        1944

Cyane                                                                                                              1944

Cypress                                                                                                           1944

Dahlia                                                                                                              1944

Daphne                                                                                                            1944

Diligence                                                                                                         1944

Dione                                                                                                              1944

Dix                                                                                                                  1944


Box 49

Dogwood                                                                                                        1944

Duane                                                                                                              1944

Eastwind                                                                                                         1944

Edwards EM                                                                                                   1944

Elm                                                                                                                  1944

Evergreen                                                                                                        1944

Ewing                                                                                                              1944

Faunce                                                                                                             1944

Fern                                                                                                                 1944



Box 50

Fir                                                                                                                    1944

Firebush                                                                                                          1944

Forsythia                                                                                                         1944

Forward                                                                                                          1944

Frederick Lee                                                                                                  1944

Galatea                                                                                                            1944

General Greene                                                                                               1944

Gentian                                                                                                           1944

Golden Gate                                                                                                    1944

Goldenrod                                                                                                       1944

Greenbrier                                                                                                       1944

Haida                                                                                                              1944


Box 51

Gresham                                                                                                          1944

Harriet Lane                                                                                                    1944

Hawthorn                                                                                                        1944

Hemlock                                                                                                          1944

Hermes                                                                                                            1944

Hibiscus                                                                                                          1944

Hickory                                                                                                           1944

Hollyhock                                                                                                       1944

Hornbeam Cutter                                                                                            1944

Hudson                                                                                                           1944

Humphreys  EM                                                                                             1944

Hyacinth                                                                                                         1944

Hydrangea                                                                                                      1944

Icarus                                                                                                              1944


Box 52

Ilex                                                                                                                  1944

Ingham                                                                                                            1944

Iris                                                                                                                   1944

Ironwood                                                                                                        1944

Jackson                                                                                                            1944

Joe-EM                                                                                                            1944

Juniper                                                                                                             1944

Kaw                                                                                                                1944

Kickapoo                                                                                                         1944

Kimball                                                                                                           1944


Box 53

Kukui                                                                                                              1944

Lantana                                                                                                           1944

Larkspur                                                                                                          1944

Laurel                                                                                                              1944

Legare                                                                                                             1944

Leopold                                                                                                           1944

Lilac                                                                                                                1944

Linden                                                                                                             1944

Lotus                                                                                                               1944

Lupine                                                                                                             1944

Mackinaw                                                                                                       1944

Madalan                                                                                                          1944

Madrona                                                                                                          1944



Box 54

Magnolia                                                                                                         1944

Mahoning                                                                                                        1944

Mallow                                                                                                            1944

Manasquan                                                                                                      1944

Mangrove                                                                                                        1944

Manhasset                                                                                                       1944

Manhattan                                                                                                       1944

Manitou                                                                                                           1944

Manzanita                                                                                                       1944

Maple                                                                                                              1944

Marigold                                                                                                         1944

Marion                                                                                                             1944


Box 55                       

Mariposa                                                                                                         1944

Marita                                                                                                              1944

Mayflower                                                                                                      1944

McLane                                                                                                           1944

Menemsha                                                                                                       1944

Mesquite                                                                                                         1944

Messick EM                                                                                                    1944

Mistletoe                                                                                                         1944


Box 56

Modoc                                                                                                             1944

Mohawk                                                                                                          1944

Mohican                                                                                                          1944

Mojave                                                                                                            1944

Monomoy                                                                                                        1944



Box 57

Monomoy                                                                                                        1944 (2 of 4)

Monomoy                                                                                                        1944 (3 of 4)

Monomoy                                                                                                        1944 (4 of 4)

Morris                                                                                                              1944

Muskogee                                                                                                        1944

Myrtle                                                                                                             1944

Nanok                                                                                                             1944

Narcissus                                                                                                         1944

Naugatuck                                                                                                       1944

Navesink                                                                                                         1944






Box 58

Nemaha                                                                                                           1944

Nemesis                                                                                                           1944

Nike                                                                                                                1944

Nogak                                                                                                             1944

Northland                                                                                                        1944

North Star                                                                                                       1944

Northumberland  EM                                                                                      1944

Nourmahal                                                                                                      1944

Oak                                                                                                                 1944

Ojibwa                                                                                                            1944

Oleander                                                                                                         1944



Box 59

Onondaga                                                                                                       1944

Orchid                                                                                                             1944

Ossipee                                                                                                            1944

Palmetto                                                                                                          1944

Pamlico                                                                                                           1944

Pandora                                                                                                           1944

Papaw                                                                                                             1944

Pequot                                                                                                             1944

Perseus                                                                                                            1944

Phlox                                                                                                               1944



Box 60

Pine-Tender                                                                                                     1944

Planetree                                                                                                         1944

Poinciana                                                                                                         1944

Poplar                                                                                                              1944

Primrose                                                                                                          1944

Pulaski                                                                                                             1944

Rambler                                                                                                           1944

Raritan                                                                                                            1944

Redbud                                                                                                           1944

Reliance                                                                                                          1944

Rhododendron                                                                                                1944

Rose                                                                                                                1944

Rush                                                                                                                1944

Sagebrush                                                                                                        1944



Box 61

Salvia Cutter (USCG)                                                                                     1944

Sassafras                                                                                                         1944

Sauk                                                                                                                1944

Sea Cloud                                                                                                       1944

Sedge                                                                                                              1944

Sequoia                                                                                                           1944

Shadbush                                                                                                        1944

Shawnee                                                                                                          1944

Shrub                                                                                                               1944

Smilax                                                                                                             1944

Snohomish                                                                                                      1944

Sorrel                                                                                                               1944

Spar                                                                                                                 1944

Speedwell                                                                                                       1944


Box 62

Southwind                                                                                                      1944

Spencer                                                                                                           1944

Spruce                                                                                                             1944

Storis                                                                                                               1944

Sumac                                                                                                             1944

Sundew                                                                                                           1944

Sunflower                                                                                                       1944

Sweetbrier                                                                                                       1944

Sweetgum                                                                                                       1944


Box 63

Sycamore                                                                                                        1944

Tahoma                                                                                                           1944

Tallapoosa                                                                                                       1944

Tamarack                                                                                                         1944

Tampa                                                                                                             1944

Taney                                                                                                              1944

Thetis                                                                                                              1944


Box 64

Tiger                                                                                                                1944

Travis                                                                                                              1944

Triton                                                                                                              1944

Tuckahoe                                                                                                         1944

Tulip                                                                                                                1944

Tupelo                                                                                                             1944

Unalga                                                                                                             1944

Verbena                                                                                                           1944

Vernon McNeal  EM.                                                                                     1944

Vigilant                                                                                                           1944

Violet                                                                                                              1944

Wakerobin                                                                                                       1944




Box 65

Walnut                                                                                                            1944

Westwind (1 of 2)                                                                                           1944

Westwind (2 of 2)                                                                                           1944

Wicomico        Formerly Catoctin                                                                  1944

Willow                                                                                                                        1944

Winnisimmet                                                                                                   1944

Wistaria                                                                                                           1944

Woodbine                                                                                                       1944

Woodbury                                                                                                       1944

Woodrush                                                                                                       1944



Box 66

Yankton  CGC                                                                                                1944

Yeaton                                                                                                            1944

Zinnia                                                                                                              1944                                                                                       

Named Vessels  1945


Vessel/Station                                                                                                 Date

Box 66                                                                                                           

Acacia                                                                                                             1945

Active                                                                                                             1945               

Agassiz                                                                                                            1945

Alert                                                                                                                1945

Algonquin                                                                                                       1945

Almond                                                                                                           1945

Althea                                                                                                             1945

Amaranth                                                                                                        1945               

Anemone                                                                                                         1945

Apalachee                                                                                                       1945   


Box 67

Arbutus                                                                                                           1945

Argo                                                                                                                1945   

Ariadne                                                                                                           1945   

Arrowwood                                                                                                    1945

Arundel                                                                                                           1945

Aspen                                                                                                              1945

Atalanta                                                                                                          1945

Aurora                                                                                                             1945

Azalea                                                                                                             1945

Balsam                                                                                                                        1945

Barberry                                                                                                          1945

Basswood                                                                                                       1945

Beech                                                                                                              1945

Belleville                                                                                                         1945                 


Box 68                                                                                                                       

Belmont                                                                                                          1945

Beverly                                                                                                            1945

Bibb                                                                                                                1945

Big Horn                                                                                                         1945

Bittersweet                                                                                                      1945

Blackhawk                                                                                                      1945

BlackRock                                                                                                      1945

Blackthorn                                                                                                      1945   


Box 69

Blanco                                                                                                             1945

Bluebell                                                                                                           1945

Bonham                                                                                                           1945

Boone                                                                                                              1945

Boutwell                                                                                                         1945

Bramble                                                                                                           1945

Brier                                                                                                                1945

Bronco                                                                                                            1945

Buttonwood                                                                                                    1945

Cactus                                                                                                             1945

Cahoone                                                                                                          1945

Calumet                                                                                                           1945

Calypso                                                                                                           1945


Box 70

Camellia                                                                                                          1945

Campbell                                                                                                         1945

Carrabasset                                                                                                      1945

Cartigan                                                                                                          1945

Cedar                                                                                                              1945

Chaparral                                                                                                         1945

Chautauqua                                                                                                     1945

Cherry                                                                                                             1945               

Chinook                                                                                                          1945

Citrus                                                                                                              1945   


Box 71                 

Clover                                                                                                             1945

Cobb                                                                                                               1945

Colfax                                                                                                             1945

Colleen                                                                                                            1945

Colquitt                                                                                                           1945

Columbine                                                                                                       1945

Comanche                                                                                                       1945

Conifer                                                                                                            1945


Box 72

Cosmos                                                                                                           1945

Cottonwood                                                                                                    1945

Cowslip                                                                                                           1945

Crawford                                                                                                        1945

Crocus                                                                                                             1945

Cuyahoga                                                                                                        1945

Cyane                                                                                                              1945

Cypress                                                                                                           1945

Dahlia                                                                                                              1945

Daphne                                                                                                            1945

Diligence                                                                                                         1945

Dione                                                                                                              1945

Dix                                                                                                                  1945

Dogwood                                                                                                        1945


Box 73

Duane                                                                                                              1945

Eastwind                                                                                                         1945

Elm                                                                                                                  1945

Evergreen                                                                                                        1945

Ewing                                                                                                              1945

Faunce                                                                                                             1945

Fern                                                                                                                 1945

Fir                                                                                                                    1945


Box 74                                                                                   

Firebush                                                                                                          1945

Forsythia                                                                                                         1945

Forward                                                                                                          1945

Foxglove                                                                                                         1945

Frederick Lee                                                                                                  1945

Galatea                                                                                                            1945

General Greene                                                                                               1945

Gentian                                                                                                           1945

Golden Gate                                                                                                    1945

Goldenrod                                                                                                       1945

Greenbrier                                                                                                       1945

Greensboro                                                                                                      1945

Haida                                                                                                              1945

Harriet Lane                                                                                                    1945

Hawthorn                                                                                                        1945


Box 75                                                                                   

Hemlock                                                                                                          1945

Hermes                                                                                                            1945

Hibiscus                                                                                                          1945

Hickory                                                                                                           1945

Hollyhock                                                                                                       1945

Hornbeam                                                                                                       1945

Hyacinth                                                                                                         1945

Hydrangea                                                                                                      1945

Icarus                                                                                                              1945

Ilex                                                                                                                  1945


Box 76

Ingham                                                                                                            1945

Iris                                                                                                                   1945

Ironwood                                                                                                        1945

Juniper                                                                                                             1945

Kaw                                                                                                                1945

Kickapoo                                                                                                         1945

Kimball                                                                                                           1945


Box 77

Kukui                                                                                                              1945

Larkspur                                                                                                          1945

Laurel                                                                                                              1945

Legare                                                                                                             1945

Lilac                                                                                                                1945

Linden                                                                                                             1945

Lotus                                                                                                               1945

Lupine                                                                                                             1945

Mackinaw                                                                                                       1945

Madalan                                                                                                          1945


Box 78                                                                                               

Madrona                                                                                                          1945

Magnolia                                                                                                         1945

Mahoning                                                                                                        1945

Mallow                                                                                                            1945

Manasquan                                                                                                      1945

Mangrove                                                                                                        1945

Manhasset                                                                                                       1945

Manhattan                                                                                                       1945

Manitou                                                                                                           1945

Manzanita                                                                                                       1945

Maple                                                                                                              1945

Marigold                                                                                                         1945

Marion                                                                                                             1945

Mariposa                                                                                                         1945


Box 79                                                                                               

Mayflower                                                                                                      1945

Mc Lane                                                                                                          1945

Mendota                                                                                                          1945

Menemsha                                                                                                       1945

Mesquite                                                                                                         1945




Box 80                                                                                                                                   

Modoc                                                                                                             1945

Mohawk                                                                                                          1945

Mohican                                                                                                          1945

Mojave                                                                                                            1945

Morris                                                                                                              1945

Muskogee                                                                                                        1945

Narcissus                                                                                                         1945

Naugatuck                                                                                                       1945


Box 81

Navesink                                                                                                         1945

Nellwood                                                                                                        1945

Nemaha                                                                                                           1945

Nemesis                                                                                                           1945

Nike                                                                                                                1945

Northland                                                                                                        1945

Northwind                                                                                                      1945

Nourmahl                                                                                                        1945

Oak                                                                                                                 1945   

Ojib                                                                                                                 1945

Oleander                                                                                                         1945

Onondaga                                                                                                       1945


Box 82

Orchid                                                                                                             1945

Ossipee                                                                                                            1945

Owasco                                                                                                           1945

Palmetto                                                                                                          1945

Pamlico                                                                                                           1945

Pandora                                                                                                           1945

Papaw                                                                                                             1945

Peoria                                                                                                              1945

Pequot                                                                                                             1945

Perseus                                                                                                            1945

Planetree                                                                                                         1945


Box 83                                                                                                           

Poinciana                                                                                                         1945   

Pontchartrain                                                                                                   1945

Poplar                                                                                                              1945

Potomac                                                                                                          1945

Primrose                                                                                                          1945

Pulaski                                                                                                             1945

Raritan                                                                                                            1945

Redbud                                                                                                           1945

Reliance                                                                                                          1945

Rhododendron                                                                                                1945

Rose                                                                                                                1945

Rush                                                                                                                1945

Sagebrush                                                                                                        1945


Box 84

Saliva                                                                                                              1945

Sassafras                                                                                                         1945

Sauk                                                                                                                1945

Sebago                                                                                                            1945

Sedge                                                                                                              1945

Sequoia                                                                                                           1945

Shawnee                                                                                                          1945

Shrub                                                                                                               1945

Smilax                                                                                                             1945

Snohomish                                                                                                      1945

Sorrel                                                                                                               1945

Southwind                                                                                                      1945

Spar                                                                                                                 1945                                                                           

Box 85           

Speedwell                                                                                                       1945

Spencer                                                                                                           1945

Spruce                                                                                                             1945

Storis                                                                                                               1945

Sumac                                                                                                             1945

Sundew                                                                                                           1945

Sunflower                                                                                                       1945

Sweetbrier                                                                                                       1945



Box 86

Sycamore                                                                                                        1945

Tahoma                                                                                                           1945

Tallapoosa                                                                                                       1945

Tamarack                                                                                                         1945

Tampa                                                                                                             1945

Taney                                                                                                              1945


Box 87

Thetis                                                                                                              1945

Tiger                                                                                                                1945

Tipton                                                                                                              1945

Travis                                                                                                              1945

Triton                                                                                                              1945

Tuckahoe                                                                                                         1945

Tulip                                                                                                                1945

Tupelo                                                                                                             1945

Unalga                                                                                                             1945

Verbena                                                                                                           1945

Vigilant                                                                                                           1945

Violet                                                                                                              1945

Wakerobin                                                                                                       1945


Box 88

Walnut                                                                                                            1945

Westwind                                                                                                        1945

Wicomico                                                                                                        1945

Willow                                                                                                                        1945

Winnebago                                                                                                      1945

Winnisimmet                                                                                                   1945

Wistaria                                                                                                           1945

Woodbine                                                                                                       1945

Woodbury                                                                                                       1945

Woodrush                                                                                                       1945

Yankton                                                                                                          1945

Yeaton                                                                                                            1945

Zinnia                                                                                                              1945

Named Vessels  1946


Vessel/Station                                                                                                 Date

Box 89                                                                                               

Acacia                                                                                                             1946

Active                                                                                                             1946

Acushnet                                                                                                         1946

Agassiz                                                                                                            1946

Air Avocet                                                                                                      1946

Air Cardinal                                                                                                    1946

Air Egret                                                                                                         1946

Air Falcon                                                                                                       1946

Air Gull                                                                                                           1946

Air Ibis                                                                                                            1946

Air Jay                                                                                                             1946

Air Parakeet                                                                                                    1946

Air Petrel                                                                                                         1946

Air Piper                                                                                                          1946

Air Sheike                                                                                                       1946

Air Skimmer                                                                                                    1946

Air Skylark                                                                                                      1946

Air Stork                                                                                                         1946

Air Teal                                                                                                           1946

Air Thrush                                                                                                       1946

Alert                                                                                                                1946

Algonquin                                                                                                       1946


BOX 90

Althea                                                                                                             1946

Androscoggin                                                                                                 1946

Anemone                                                                                                         1946

Apalachee                                                                                                       1946

Arbutus                                                                                                           1946

Argo                                                                                                                1946

Ariadne                                                                                                           1946

Arundel                                                                                                           1946

Aspen                                                                                                              1946

Atalanta                                                                                                          1946

Aurora                                                                                                             1946

Azalea                                                                                                             1946

Balsam                                                                                                                        1946

Barberry                                                                                                          1946

Basswood                                                                                                       1946


BOX 91

Bedloe                                                                                                             1946

Beech                                                                                                              1946

Bibb                                                                                                                1946

Big Horn                                                                                                         1946

Bittersweet                                                                                                      1946

Blackhawk                                                                                                      1946

Black Rock                                                                                                     1946

Blackthorn                                                                                                      1946

Bluebonnet                                                                                                      1946

Bonham                                                                                                           1946

Boutwell                                                                                                         1946

Bramble                                                                                                           1946                                                                                                                                                                    

Box 92                                                                                                                                                  

Brier                                                                                                                1946

Butterwood                                                                                                     1946

Cactus                                                                                                             1946

Cahoone                                                                                                          1946

Calumet                                                                                                           1946

Calypso                                                                                                           1946

Camellia                                                                                                          1946

Campbell                                                                                                         1946

Carrabasset                                                                                                      1946

Cartigan                                                                                                          1946

Cedar                                                                                                              1946





BOX 93

Chaparral                                                                                                         1946

Chautauqua                                                                                                     1946

Cherokee                                                                                                         1946

Cherry                                                                                                             1946

Chinook                                                                                                          1946

Citrus                                                                                                              1946

Clematis                                                                                                          1946

Clover                                                                                                             1946

Cobb                                                                                                               1946

Colfax                                                                                                             1946

Colquitt                                                                                                           1946

Columbine                                                                                                       1946

Comanche                                                                                                       1946


BOX 94

Conifer                                                                                                            1946

Cosmos                                                                                                           1946

Cottonwood                                                                                                    1946

Cowslip                                                                                                           1946

Crawford                                                                                                        1946

Crocus                                                                                                             1946

Cuyahoga                                                                                                        1946

Cyane                                                                                                              1946

Cypress                                                                                                           1946

Dahlia                                                                                                              1946

Daphne                                                                                                            1946

Dexter                                                                                                             1946

Diligence                                                                                                         1946


BOX 95                                                                                                

Dione                                                                                                              1946

Dix                                                                                                                  1946

Dogwood                                                                                                        1946

Duane                                                                                                              1946

Eagle                                                                                                               1946

Eastwind                                                                                                         1946

Escanaba                                                                                                         1946

Evergreen                                                                                                        1946

Ewing                                                                                                              1946

Faunce                                                                                                             1946


BOX 96

Fern                                                                                                                 1946

Fir                                                                                                                    1946

Firebush                                                                                                          1946

Forsythia                                                                                                         1946

Foxglove                                                                                                         1946

Frederick  Lee                                                                                                 1946

Galatea                                                                                                            1946

Gentian                                                                                                           1946

Goldenrod                                                                                                       1946

Greenbrier                                                                                                       1946

Greene                                                                                                             1946

Haida                                                                                                              1946


BOX 97

Harriet                                                                                                             1946

Hawthorn                                                                                                        1946

Hemlock                                                                                                          1946

Hermes                                                                                                            1946

Hibiscus                                                                                                          1946

Hickory                                                                                                           1946

Hollyhock                                                                                                       1946

Hornbeam                                                                                                       1946

Hudson                                                                                                           1946

Icarus                                                                                                              1946

Ilex                                                                                                                  1946

Ingham                                                                                                            1946



Iris                                                                                                                   1946

Ironwood                                                                                                        1946

Iroquois                                                                                                           1946

Jackson                                                                                                            1946

Jasmine                                                                                                            1946

Jonquil                                                                                                             1946

Juniper                                                                                                             1946

Kaw                                                                                                                1946

Kimball                                                                                                           1946

Klamath                                                                                                          1946


BOX 99

Kukui                                                                                                              1946

Lantana                                                                                                           1946

Larkspur                                                                                                          1946

Laurel                                                                                                              1946

Legare                                                                                                             1946

Lilac                                                                                                                1946

Linden                                                                                                             1946

Lotus                                                                                                               1946

Lupine                                                                                                             1946

Mackinaw                                                                                                       1946


BOX 100

Madrona                                                                                                          1946

Magnolia                                                                                                         1946

Mahoning                                                                                                        1946

Mallow                                                                                                            1946

Mangrove                                                                                                        1946

Manhattan                                                                                                       1946

Manitou                                                                                                           1946

Manzanita                                                                                                       1946

Maple                                                                                                              1946

Marion                                                                                                             1946

Mariposa                                                                                                         1946

Mayflower                                                                                                      1946

McCulloch                                                                                                      1946

McLane                                                                                                           1946


BOX 101

Mendota                                                                                                          1946

Mesquite                                                                                                         1946

Minnetonka                                                                                                     1946

Mistletoe                                                                                                         1946

Modoc                                                                                                             1946

Mohawk                                                                                                          1946

Mohican                                                                                                          1946

Mojave                                                                                                            1946

Morris                                                                                                              1946


BOX 102                                                                                                                                                                             

Muskogee                                                                                                        1946

Myrtle                                                                                                             1946

Narcissus                                                                                                         1946

Naugatuck                                                                                                       1946

Navesink                                                                                                         1946

Nellwood                                                                                                        1946

Nemaha                                                                                                           1946

Nemesis                                                                                                           1946

Nettle                                                                                                              1946

Nike                                                                                                                1946

Northland                                                                                                        1946

Northwind                                                                                                      1946

Nourmahal                                                                                                      1946

Oak                                                                                                                 1946

Ojibwa                                                                                                            1946

Oleander                                                                                                         1946


BOX 103

Onondaga                                                                                                       1946

Orchid                                                                                                             1946

Owasco                                                                                                           1946

Palmetto                                                                                                          1946

Pamlico                                                                                                           1946

Pandora                                                                                                           1946

Papaw                                                                                                             1946

Pequot                                                                                                             1946

Perseus                                                                                                            1946

Phlox                                                                                                               1946

Pine                                                                                                                 1946

Planetree                                                                                                         1946


BOX 104

Poinciana                                                                                                         1946

Pontchartrain                                                                                                   1946

Poplar                                                                                                              1946

Potomac                                                                                                          1946

Primrose                                                                                                          1946

Pulaski                                                                                                             1946

Rambler                                                                                                           1946

Randolph                                                                                                        1946

Raritan                                                                                                            1946

Redbud                                                                                                           1946

Reliance                                                                                                          1946

Rose                                                                                                                1946

Rush                                                                                                                1946

Sagebrush                                                                                                        1946

Salvia                                                                                                              1946


BOX 105

Sassafras                                                                                                         1946

Sauk                                                                                                                1946

Sebago                                                                                                            1946

Sedge                                                                                                              1946

Sequoia                                                                                                           1946

Shadbush                                         &