Notable People

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Rear Admiral Robert L. Johanson


A 1955 graduate of the Coast Guard Academy, Rear Admiral Robert L. Johanson is currently serving as District Commander, First Coast Guard District in Boston, Mass.  His previous staff assignments have included duty as Deputy Chief in the Office of Engineering and Chief, Aeronautical Engineering Division both at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C.  He took over command of the First District June 28, 1983.  His previous assignment was as Chief of Staff, Third Coast Guard District in New York, N.Y.

Rear Admiral Johanson's distinguished career includes several aviation assignments, including duty at Coast Guard Air Stations San Diego, Calif., and Annette, Alaska.  He served as commanding officer at Air Stations Houston, Texas, and Kodiak, Alaska, and was the Coast Guard liaison officer at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

In addition, Rear Admiral Johanson has seen duty aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Half Moon; as commanding officer of Coast Guard Cutter Cape George; as commander, Coast Guard Group Baltimore, Md.; and as commanding officer at two Coast Guard LORAN stations.

During his career, Rear Admiral Johanson has been awarded two Meritorious Service Medals, the Air medal, and two Coast Guard Commendation Medals.

Rear Admiral Johanson is married to the former Joan C. F. of New London, Conn.  They have seven sons: Robert II, Michael, Jeffrey, Steven, Eric, Christopher, and Kurt. 

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