Notable People

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Rear Admiral Harvey F. Johnson


Formerly Engineer-in-Chief, United States Coast Guard, Washington, D.C.

Admiral Johnson was born in Wheatley, Ark., on August 27, 1882.  He was graduated from Cornell University with the degree of Mechanical Engineer in 1906, and a year later was appointed an engineering cadet in the U.S. Coast Guard, receiving a commission as ensign in February 1908.

During World War I Admiral Johnson was on duty in European waters, serving as engineer officer of the Aphrodite.  In 1919 he was assigned to Coast Guard Headquarters in the office of the Engineer-in-Chief for three years, and then was ordered to the cutter Pequot as engineer officer.  In 1924 he was at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in connection with the reconditioning of the destroyer Jouett and served as engineer officer of the Jouett until 1926.  He was again assigned to the Philadelphia Navy Yard for duty in connection with the reconditioning of destroyers for transfer to the Coast Guard and subsequently was assigned to the destroyer Tucker as engineer officer. 

From 1928 to 1931 Admiral Johnson served a tour of duty at Coast Guard Headquarters.  In January 1932, he became Inspector of Machinery at Trenton, N.J., following which he was assigned as Chief Inspector at the Defoe Shipbuilding Company, Bay City, Mich., in connection with the construction of the cutter Escanaba.

Admiral Johnson was appointed Engineer-in-chief of the Coast Guard in December 1935 and served continuously in this capacity until his retirement on August 1, 1946.

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