Notable People

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Vice Admiral Raymon J. Mauerman


Raymond J. Mauerman was born in Buffalo, N.Y., on 23 April 1898.  He received his early education at Buffalo Grammar School No. 16, and was graduated from Masten Park High School in Buffalo in June 1915.

When the United States entered the first World War, he enlisted in the Coast Guard in April 1917, as a ship's writer and was assigned to duty in the Office of the Superintendent, 10th Coast Guard District, and the Recruiting Office at Buffalo, N.Y.  In January of 1919 his rating was changed to that of yeoman, and six months later he was discharged from service in order to accept an appointment as a Coast Guard cadet.  He received a commission as an ensign when he graduated from the Coast Guard Academy in 1922.  He subsequently progressed until his promotion to Rear Admiral on 14 April 1950.

His first assignment as an officer was on the Cutter Seneca, from which he was detached in February 1923, to serve on the Cutter Gresham.  In July of 1924 he reported to the Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., for duty in connection with reconditioning and equipping the destroyer Beale and for assignment to that ship when it was placed in commission.  In January 1925, he was ordered to the same duty in connection with the destroyer McCall and assigned to her as executive officer.  He returned once again to the Philadelphia Navy Yard in August 1926, for similar duty in connection with the destroyer Davis.

In May 1927, he began a tour of duty at Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, D.C., where he became Assistant Communications Officer.  In addition to his regular duties he served as a Technical Advisor to the delegation representing the U.S. Government at the International Radio-telegram Conference, held in Washington during the autumn of 1927.

For two years, beginning in September 1930, he served as executive officer on the Cutter Modoc and then was designated commanding officer of the destroyer Shaw, during which time the Shaw won the trophy for gunnery supremacy in the Coast Guard Destroyer Force.  In command of the destroyer Abel P. Upshur from June 1933 to May 1934, he was aboard this ship in Cuban waters during the Cuban Revolution of 1933.  His next command was the Cutter Icarus, on which he served until September 1936.  During this time the Icarus attained the highest merit for patrol boats in Engineering Competition, for the year ending in June 1935, and was awarded the Engineering Trophy for Class B patrol vessels.

Following a short period of service as acting Chief of Staff in the New York Division in September and November of 1936, he became commanding officer of the Cutter Escanaba.  In July 1939, he returned to Coast Guard Headquarters for duty in the Office of Operations.  During this period he served from some time in Port Security, Maritime Service, Ordnance and Gunnery and as Chief of the Beach Patrol Division.  In December 1940, he became Assistant Secretary and Treasury Department Representative on two committees organized by the Defense Communications Board and in September 1941, was designated a member of a third committee of the Board.  He served on these committees until February 1942, when he was appointed a member of the Departmental Qualifications board for Commercial Radio Operators by the Secretary of the Navy.

In July 1943, he was placed in command of the USS Joseph T. Dickman, a Coast Guard manned assault transport and in January 1944, was awarded the Legion of Merit by the Secretary of the Navy for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services as commanding officer of that ship during the amphibious assault on Italy.  He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service as Command Officer of the USS Joseph T. Dickman, an assault transport of Task Force "U" during the amphibious invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944.  He was awarded a gold star in lieu of a second Legion of Merit for outstanding services during the amphibious invasion of Southern France on 15 August 1944.  He also holds the Navy Unit Citation, World Wars I and II Victory medals, and American Defense medal, as well as the American and ETO medals with 4 engagement stars.

In October 1944, he was assigned for a short time to duty at Coast Guard Headquarters, where he served until March 1945, when he was assigned as Chief of Staff, 4th Coast Guard District, Philadelphia, Pa.

In 1946 he was designated Captain of the Port of Philadelphia, and Intelligence and Law Officer for the 4th Coast Guard District.  With the disestablishment of the 4th District on 1 July 1947, and its amalgamation with the 3rd Coast Guard District, Rear Admiral Mauerman became the Coast Guard Representative of the 3rd Coast Guard District, in Philadelphia.  The Commandant assigned Rear Admiral Mauerman as Chief of Staff, 13th Coast Guard District, Seattle, effective 1 November 1948.  On 1 September 1950, he became Chief, Office of Operations at Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, D.C.  His next assignment became effective, 1 August 1953, when he assumed the duty of Commander, 1st Coast Guard District, Boston, Mass.  He is presently under orders pending a new assignment as Superintendent of the Coast Guard Academy, New London, Conn., which will become effective in early September 1954.

After receiving an appointment as an ensign on 5 June 1922, he was promoted in rank as follows: Lieutenant (jg), 9 June 1925; Lieutenant, 1 July 1926; Lieutenant Commander, 5 June 1930; Commander, 1 October 1940; Captain, 1 December 1942; and Rear Admiral, 14 April 1950.  He holds the degree of Bachelor of Laws, received upon graduation from LaSalle Extension University, Chicago, Ill., in 1939.  He is a member of the Society of Military Engineers.

Rear Admiral Mauerman has two daughters, Mrs. Frank H. Hopkins of Seattle, Washington, and Mars. P.J. Koen of Dallas, Texas.

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