"SHE FELT THE NAZIS' WRATH: A U.S. Coast Guard infantry landing craft still flies its flag, though knocked out of the invasion, ripped and wounded on the beaches of France. Moving in for a landing, the LCI ran afoul of an underwater obstruction, which tore a gaping hole in her bow. Then as its cargo of troops piled ashore, Nazi shells battered her out of further action."; no date; Photo No. 2395; photographer unknown. The thumbnail image at left was taken from The Coast Guard at War: Landings in France. XI. Washington: Public Information Division, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Sep 1 1946, p. 24.

Tags: France, LCI(L)-93
Photo by: U.S. Coast Guard |  VIRIN: 190430-G-G0000-7014.JPG