CGC Spencer Drops Depth Charges on U-175
"COAST GUARD CUTTER SINKS SUB -- Coast Guardsmen on the deck of U.S. Coast Guard cutter SPENCER watch the explosion of a depth charge which blasted a Nazi U-Boat's [U-175] hope of breaking into the center of a large convoy. The depth charge tossed from the 327-foot cutter blew the submarine to the surface, where it was engaged by Coast Guardsmen. Ships of the convoy may be seen in the background." Official Coast Guard Photo # 1517 USCG Historian's Office Special Collections Archive & Library; World War II Subject File; "North Atlantic Campaign" box. 2nd floor archives room, Atkins Hall.

Photo by: USCG Historian's Office |  VIRIN: 221011-G-G0000-108.JPG