2020 - CGC Campbell in Greenland
USCGC Campbell transited south along the west coast of Greenland overnight with the Royal Danish navy vessel HDMS Knud Rasmussen and rendezvoused in a position just offshore of Evighedsfjorden (Eternity Fjord). CGC Campbell received HDMS Knud Rasmussen's Executive Officer, Commander Bo Ougaard, on board to serve as ice pilot and provide local knowledge to assist CGC Campbell in safely entering and transiting Evighedsfjorden. Once inside Eternity Fjord, CGC Campbell launched their MH-65 Dolphin aircraft and proceeded up the fjord to the head where the glacier begins. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Seaman Kate Kilroy DVIDS 200907-G-NJ244-002

Photo by: SN Kate Kilroy |  VIRIN: 230807-G-G0000-129.JPG