Consolidated P4Y-2G Privateer
The Coast Guard acquired a total of eleven of these patrol craft from the U.S. Navy beginning in 1946. The expanding search and rescue duties necessitated increasing the number of multi-engine aircraft in the inventory and the Navy had such aircraft to spare.
These modified B-24's served from Guam, Barber's Point, San Francisco, and San Diego until the aircraft were returned to the Navy in the mid-1950's..

No official caption/date/photo number; photographer unknown.

P4Y-2G, Bureau No. 56306, no date.

P4Y-2G, Bureau No. 59688, 18 October 1958, AIRSTA San Diego.

PB4Y-2G, Overall Blue Paint Scheme, AIRSTA Barber’s Point, 23 November 1948.
Aircraft files, Coast Guard Historian's Office.
Arthur Pearcy, U.S. Coast Guard Aircraft Since 1916 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1991), pp.139-140.
The Historian's Office is indebted to Mr. Todd Hackbarth for compiling much of the information we have on the Coast Guard's Privateers.