World War I Commemoration: 100 Year Anniversary

Please search the image and resource galleries at the bottom of the page for images, articles, documents and publications detailing the Coast Guard's involvement in World War I

The U. S. Coast Guard & U.S. Lighthouse Service in World War I

Crew of the USCGC TAMPA

    April 6th, 2017, marks the 100th anniversary of the Coast Guard’s entry into World War I and the Service’s important role in supporting the war effort.  It was on Friday, April 6th, 1917, the day Congress declared war on Germany, that the U.S. Navy’s communications center in Arlington, Virginia, transmitted the code words “Plan One, Acknowledge” to Coast Guard cutters, units and bases initiating the Coast Guard’s transfer from the Treasury Department to the Navy and placing the Service on a wartime footing.

     During the war’s nearly nineteen months, the Coast Guard and Lighthouse Service would lose almost two hundred men and five ships. These ships included two combat losses. On August 6th, 1918, U-140 sank the Diamond Shoals Lightship after her crew transmitted to shore the location of the marauding enemy submarine, but no lives were lost. However, on September 26th, 1918, after completing her convoy escort duty from Gibraltar to Milford Haven, England, Cutter Tampa was torpedoed by UB-91. The cutter sank killing all 131 persons on board, including four U.S. Navy men, sixteen Royal Navy personnel and 111 Coast Guard officers and men. It proved America’s greatest World War I naval loss of life due to combat.

    Nearly 9,000 Coast Guard men and women would participate in the war. This number included over 200 Coast Guard officers, many of whom served as warship commanders, troop ship captains, training camp commandants and naval air station commanders. In all, Coast Guard heroes received two Distinguished Service Medals, eight Gold Life-Saving Medals, almost a dozen foreign honors and nearly fifty Navy Cross Medals, dozens more than were awarded to Coast Guardsmen in World War II.


Department of Homeland Security World War I Centennial Poster Series

The U.S. Coast Guard during the First World War

Department of Homeland Security and the First World War

World War I Image Gallery
A photo of the Revenue Cutter Manning firing at Spanish positions on Cabanas, Cuba in 1898.
A photo of the U.S. Revenue Cutter PERRY taken by James H. Eaton, of 285-1/2 First Street, Portland, Oregon. No date listed.
A photo of U.S. Revenue Cutter Perry at sea, no date.
A photo of U.S. Revenue Cutter Perry at anchor, no date.
A photo of officers and mascots aboard Revenue Cutter Perry
A photo of the wreck of US Revenue Cutter Perry off St. Paul Island, 1910.
"USRC Manning's raceboat crew (1902-1904) which used the Corwin's Gig now a classic. Left to right: Seaman 'Frenchie' Martinesen, Master-at-Arms Stranberg (Coxswain), Seaman Andreas Rynberg, Magnus Jensen, and Franze Rynberg."
The coaling crew from USCGC BEAR in Unalaska, July, 1918
A series of photos taken during World War II of the African-American crewman stationed at LBS Tiana during the war.
No caption information available; three crewmen of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Tahoma on liberty.
No caption information available; Crewmen aboard USRC Rush, no date
Christmas Dinner on board Revenue Cutter Bear
Crew of an unnamed Revenue Cutter
Five women OCS candidates aboard USCGC Unimak, the first women assigned to sea duty, 1973.
A photo of a group of SPARs in 1972
A portrait photo of Rear Admiral Carlton Moore, USCGR (Retired)
Admiral Charles D. Michel, USCG Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard Promoted to admiral on May 24, 2016
Portrait photo of Admiral Charles Ray, USCG
A photo of the Coast Guard aviation students at Pensacola on 22 March 1917
A photo of U.S. Revenue Cutter Algonquin, no date.
World War I Resources
"Navigation Standards and Procedures" 18 December 1997; as per Cutter Navigation Standards and Procedures, COMDTINST 3530.1

Copy provided by Captain Edward Westfall, USCG (Ret.)
CGC RED CEDAR Navigation ...
USCGC RED CEDAR INSTRUCTION M1601.1B "Standing Orders to the Officer of the Deck (OOD)"; RCEINST M1601.1B; 19 May 1997. Purposed was to "Create vision and guidelines to operate RED CEDAR underway, at anchor, and import in a safe, efficient and professional manner."  Copy provided to USCG Historian's Office by Captain Edward Westfall, USCG (Ret.).
U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Short Range Aids to Navigation Strategic Plan, 2007
Maritime Short Range ATON...
A collection of photographs of women in the Coast Guard in the 1970s including official captions and photographic proof sheets.  Good collection of photographs of the first Coast Guard women to go to sea as well.
Women in USCG (1970s) Pho...
"The Coast Guard Operates Through Communications: The Smallest of the Nation's Armed Forces Depends on Electrical Communications to Direct and Coordinate Its Many and Varied Duties and Responsibilities." By Admiral Joseph F. Farley, USCG.

Reprinted article from Bell Telephone Magazine, Winter 1946-47
USCG Communications History
A 1950 letter from JOC Alex Haley to the C.O. of Barnegat Lifeboat Station about Sinbad, the famous mascot from CGC Campbell who retired to the station to live out his final days in peace.
JOC Alex Haley & CG M...
US Revenue Marine "Circular Prescribing Uniform for Officers of U.S. Revenue Marine," Revenue Marine Circular No. 20; Treasury Department No. 110, 1878.  Dated October 5, 1878.
1878 USRM Uniforms Circul...
"General Order to Officers of the Revenue Marine Service" dated March 15, 1871.
1871 USRM Uniforms Genera...
"Accomplishments during Admiral [Chester] BENDER's tenure as Commandant - 1 June 1970 to 31 May 1974."  A detailed summary of the accomplishments made by Admiral Chester Bender, Commandant of the Coast Guard from 1970-1974.
1974 ADM Chester Bender A...
Uniforms and insignia of the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Lighthouse Service and U.S. Public Health Service, 1918
History publication entitled "Guardians of the Eighth Sea [;] A History of the U.S. Coast Guard on the Great Lakes, 1790-1976."
A report entitled "Aviation Mind-Set QAT Report of Findings," dated 13 May 1993.  The QAT was formed in response to a CCG order to determine CG aviator's mind-set "and how it may affect the efficiency and effectiveness of Coast Guard Aviation."
1993 CG Aviation Mind-Set...
Report of Open Sea Landing Tests & Study Conducted at the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, San Diego, CA, October, 1945.  Report written by Captain D. B. MacDiarmid, USCG (CG-OAV).  Also referred to as "Open Seaplane Study - 1945."
1945 Open Sea Landing Tes...
The Coast Guard and the North Atlantic Campaign, World War II Convoy Battles
North Atlantic Campaign &...
A Naval Message from VADM Zumwalt to CGC INGHAM as INGHAM finishes its tour of duty in Vietnam, 4 March 1969 & complete personnel roster & sailing list
VADM Zumwalt 1969 Bravo Z...
"Rules for the Organization and Service for the Lighthouse Towermen of the Island of Puerto Rico" from the newspaper "La Gaceta de Puerto Rico, dated May 2, 1882.

Translation provided by Dr. Jose Edwin Nieves, USCG Auxiliary who noted: "I am sending for your records, a translation of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Lighthouse Towermen in PR while under the Spanish. It was posted as a 'public notice' in 'La Gaceta de Puerto Rico' on 2 MAY 1882. I am enclosing the original posting. It is clear the R/R's continue on the next page but I was not able to find it. I <bracketed> prepositions and words deemed necessary for syntax/clarity."
Rules for Lighthouse Towe...
Newsletter for CG Air Station "Borinquen Beacon"; Volume 2, No. 7 (September 14, 1977); PDF copy provided by AMTCM Stanley C. deVegter, CMC, AIR STATION BORINQUEN, 2020.
Borinquen Beacon, 1977
The commanding officer of CGC Tiger's Action Report on his cutter's activities on 7 December 1941
CGC Tiger Pearl Harbor Ac...
The following is a narrative written by Captain (then-Lieutenant) Frank Erickson, USCG (Ret.) to the Sikorsky Company about his experiences at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941.  He was a first-hand witness to the carnage that day as he was the Taney's aviation officer assigned, along with his aircraft, to Ford Island.  He was the duty officer at Ford Island when the first wave of the Japanese attack struck.
LT Frank Erickson's R...
OIC of CG-8's Action Report of his cutter's actions during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
CGC CG-8's Action Rep...