Tag: public affairs

July 1, 2022

The Long Blue Line: The journalist rating

From wartime communications PAs tell our service's story

CGD 24 Wainwright
USCG patrol boats during Prohibition
"Coast Guard Destroyer Downes (From a Painting by the Destroyer Force Bugle Staff Artist, Marius Petersen, Sea1c.)
1929 USCG Football Team playing the Marine Corps team.
1929 - Coast Guard Football Team
A photo of Coast Guard Destroyer CONYNGHAM on patrol during Prohibition.
Coast Guard Destroyer's baseball team (no date).
Officers & crew of Coast Guard Destroyer BEALE
A picture of future-Commandant then-Lieutenant Russell R. Waesche, Sr.
USCG Destroyer Beale, CG-9
Engineroom Force of CGC PONTCHARTRAIN, 1929
Coast Guardsmen
"Crew of the Patrol Boat CG-237. 4-14-[19]26."
A photo of a Board of Coast Guard Officers convened by Admiral F. C. Billard to formulate plans for an anti-smuggling campaign. Reading from left to right - Commander L. C. Covell; Captain W. H. Munter and Commander L.C. Farwell. 8-21-23.
Commandant (RADM F.C. Billard) and administrative staff, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, October 27, 1928.
A photograph of U.S. Coast Guard Base 4 in New London, CT, circa late 1920s (scan provided courtesy of Laurie Friel, the granddaughter of Coast Guardsman Clifford Gardner who served during Prohibition.
A photo of Coast Guard Destroyer (CG-23) TUCKER, date unknown.

U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office
2703 Martin Luther King, Jr., Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20593-7031

U.S. Coast Guard Museum
Coast Guard Academy - Waesche Hall
15 Mohegan Ave
New London, CT 06320-8100

Contacting us:  U.S.C.G. Historian's Office